USPS refers to the shipping method from China warehouse to the US.
USPS+ supports shipping within the US.
USPS refers to the shipping method from China warehouse to the US.
USPS+ supports shipping within the US.
A product with a "free shipping" symbol means that the product will be shipped directly from the supplier outside of China. They can only be sold from the local warehouse to domestic customers.
Please be reminded that products in our overseas warehouses can only be delivered to domestics customers.
In other words, for customers from worldwide, only products in the domestic warehouse and China warehouse are available for their choices.
Yes, you can use CJ's fulfillment service. In addition, we can also provide dropshipping service for your customers.
Find more details, please click here: How to Use CJ Fulfillment Service?
We accept customers to stock inventory in our warehouses (including 4 China warehouses, 2 US warehouses, and 1 Poland warehouse). Moreover, we can ship your inventory to your customers from the overseas warehouse which can shorten the shipping time.
Find more information, please click here: How to Use CJ Fulfillment Service?
Numbers in our shipping calculator are provided by local carriers and based upon our tracking history.
However, we cannot make promises as the actual shipping time can always be affected by different factors including inventory level, customs clearance, policies of your local carrier, etc.
So the best way to figure out the shipping time is to place a testing order.
A Remote Area is defined as a postcode or in the absence of a postcode, a suburb /town name that is difficult to serve.
If the postcode of the recipient address happens to be included in the Remote Area List, a Remote Fee will be charged.
Kindly refer to Remote Area List 2021 (Effective Date: 10 Jan 2021)
You can click 'Sync' on the top right in My CJ > Orders > Orders Fulfillment > Pending/Processing after turning on the notification email permission in both Shopify and CJ (Authorization > Shopify) and the email will be sent again.
You can turn off the Email Permission in My CJ > Authorization > Shopify